Most people start their day with a cup of coffee or some other stimulating beverage. However, recent studies have pointed out that there’s something wrong with that habit. People need to start their days with a glass of water instead. There are several health benefits to this practice, and it can make you feel better than that caffeinated beverage ever will.
Everyone Wakes Up Dehydrated
No matter how much water – or other beverages – you drink during the day, you’re going to wake up feeling very dehydrated. This is because you went a long period of time without having anything to drink. Whether you slept for six hours or even the full eight that most people need, you still didn’t drink anything during that period of time. As a result, your body cycled through all of the fluid in your system and it’s now looking for more.
The problem here is that the first thing that people drink after waking up is usually coffee. Although this is a fluid, it isn’t nearly as hydrating as water is. If you really want to improve your health, then keep a glass of water on your nightstand and drink it immediately upon waking. Your body will thank you.
Water Helps Your Metabolism and Boosts Weight Loss
It goes without saying that the beverages that most people drink tend to have a lot of calories in them. That cup of black coffee may not, but if it’s a fancy coffee shop beverage or even mostly cream, instead of coffee, then it has a good amount of calories. The same is true for tea filled with sugar and even soda. Water, on the other hand, doesn’t have any calories, making it a great thing to drink when you want to lose weight. You just need to replace one or more of those sugar-filled beverages with water.
It goes one step further than this, however. If you’re properly hydrated, then you’ll be less hungry. Start your day with a glass of water and you won’t want as much breakfast. This isn’t because your stomach is filled with water though. It’s actually due to the fact that your body sometimes confuses feeling dehydrated with being hungry. You might think that you want food when what your body really wants is a glass or two of water. Starting your day in a fully hydrated state means that you won’t feel the urge to snack, and will only eat when you’re truly hungry.
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How Much Water Should You Drink in the Morning?
Although there isn’t a set amount of water that’s ideal, as that can vary based on a number of factors, including how much liquid you get from the food that you eat and the beverages that you drink, you should start your day with at least one 8-ounce glass of water. This will be enough to rehydrate you after a long night of sleep. You might feel the urge to drink a little more than that, depending on the circumstances. For example, if it’s the winter and you have your furnace running, then the air is dry and you should drink a little more water.
What Type of Water?
Finally, you’re probably wondering what type of water you should be drinking – bottled or tap? This doesn’t matter as much, nor does the temperature of the water. Just choose the variety and temperature that you prefer (and fill up your vessel of choice) and then drink it. All that matters is that you’re rehydrating yourself and starting your morning off on the right foot.
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